Late in the afternoon on Sunday, May 31, a group of die-hard Xena fans joined Alice, Cassie, Krissy and Sara in creating the E[G] Drinking Game in honor of the series celebrating its 20th anniversary. The audience added several rules and everyone joins in a Xena warrior cry to close out the panel.
Take a drink every time…
- Xena catches a fish
- Xena defies gravity
- Xena uses “The Pinch”
- Xena whistles for Argo
- the villagers are just jerks
- the villain is giggling manically
- a historical figure is a character in the show
- a guest star is recognized from something else
- the plot line for the episode is stolen from something else
- Gabriel or Joxer lands themselves in trouble that could have been avoided
- Xena makes it look like she’s working for the bad guy instead of against the bad guy
Take a shot whenever…
- Xena does her war cry
- Xena fights a CGI monster
- Xena hits somebody in the crotch
- Bruce Campbell appears on screen
- Xena does her pursed lips eyebrow raised look
- you feel sexual tension between Xena and Gabriel
Waterfall for the length of time…
- Xena is balancing on something
- Xena’s Chakram is ricocheting*
* The gift bag winning rule!
Signature Alcohol
Double Trouble from Tuatara Brewery in New Zealand
Make sure you listen to the podcast to hear the amazing audience toast!
Educating [Geeks] Podcast for Xena
Geek [Supplies] for Xena
Previous Drinking Game: American Horror Story: Freak Show
Up Next: Mortal Kombat